Project Displacements to Geometry

Items in workspace:

elementary cell
initial geometry
final geometry
spherical slab

Naive approach

  1. Update charges by type:
cad.gvt.set_charge_for_type(cs(), {"Ba" : 2, "Br" : -1 , "I" : -1})
  1. Generate slab from elementary cell:
cad.gvt.generate_ncells(ws[0][0], -3, 3, -2, 2, -2, 2)
  1. Cut spherical segment with center at (0,0,0) with radius = 13 from slab:
sel.sph(pq.vector3f(0), 13)
  1. Center start and end structures on defect:
c1 = gp()
cad.gvt.center_cell_on(cw()[1], c1)
cad.gvt.center_cell_on(cw()[3], c1)
  1. Naive fit two structures by 4 centers:
cad.gvt.naive_fit_str(cw()[1], cw()[3], [171, 167, 21], [146, 148, 202])

This subroutine will not modify the structure, instead it translates ws_item.

  1. Generate compliance list for model and target structure:
cl1 = cad.gvt.gen_geoms_compliance_list(cw()[1], cw()[3], 0.2)
  1. Apply displacements via compliance list for model. Requred initial and final structures:
cad.gvt.displ_geom_by_compliance_list(cw()[3], cw()[1], cw()[2], cl1)

Where cw()[0] - destination, cw()[1] - inital geometry, cw()[2] - final geometry.

  1. Cut QM cluster with center at (0,0,0) with radius = 6 from spherical cluster:
sel.sph(pq.vector3f(0), 6)
  1. Generate Orca input section - QM atoms:
  1. Generate Orca input section - Interface region(Cations - ECP, Anions - PC):
tools.to_clipboard(cc.orca.gen_coord_section(cw()[0], ["Br", "I"], ["Ba"], {"Ba":"SDD"} ))